Monday, April 6, 2015

Kill Bill

I don't know if I have one favorite movie, but I do have a favorite director:  Quention Tarantino.  I love Tarantino movies they always have great dialogue, good action, fantastic soundtracks and loads of  super stylized violence.  All these elements make for a pretty damn good film and in Kill Bill, I feel like these elements blend together perfectly.  The first time I saw anything by Tarantino, I was very young.  I snuck out of bed into the living room and hid behind the couch while my dad was watching Pulp Fiction.  When he noticed me he told me I was too young to watch the movie with him (I was 8).  But I knew that one day I would watch it when I was older.  I have since seen the movie and it is one of my favorites but not as good as Kill Bill.  Kill Bill is number one because the story is told out of oder across two fantastic films and the watcher has to piece together what is happening throughout.  The film is essentially about a deadly assassin killing other deadly assassins that already "killed" her.  Her final fight with the boss, Bill, isn't much of a fight at all.  It's the two of them having a civil conversation and then her doing some weird five finger pressure plate touch thing (you know what I mean).  Bill is very peaceful and once he accepts that he is going to die a dramatic burst of music sounds and a beautiful song illustrating redemption, closure, pain, victory, loss, sadness, and joy all at once beings to play.  This was the perfect way to end the perfect film.

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